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Playing with Toys

Early Intervention…

  • Is the term used to describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.

  • May include speech therapy, physical therapy, and other types of services based on the needs of the child and family.

  • Can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and overcome challenges and can increase success in school and life.

  • These publicly funded programs provide services for free or at reduced cost for any child who is eligible.

Eligibility will be determined upon completion of a Developmental assessment. (ACE). Psychoeducational Assessment tools administered via WebEx Telehealth Platform with parent telehealth consent form.


Assessment tools used:

1. Academic achievement: Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery

2. AAMR Adapative Behavior Scales (ABS-11)

3. Behavior: Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) or Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (Vineland-II)

4. Battelle® Developmental Inventory, Second Edition (BDI- 2TM) Normative Update

5. Developmental Assessment of Young Children-2 nd edition DAYC-2

6. Adaptive Behavior Assessment System Third Edition ABAS-3

TheraPlay Services 
   (ages 0-5 years)
Interest/Inquiry Form

Thanks for your Interest/Inquire - We will be in touch soon!


For any questions or concerns call 678-304-9912
or fill out our form

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*Veteran Owned/ Operated

*Special Veteran discount 

*LGBTQ2 friendly

*Special scale for recently



Online/ Virtual


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© 2022 by Primrose  Intervention Services LLC

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